There is a lot of controversy over what should and shouldn’t be used to clean granite kitchen or bathroom countertops. And you might be wondering what you should be using to clean your granite countertops to keep them clean and safe. Below we’ve put together a checklist for you to follow when it comes to cleaning the granite countertops in your Georgia home.
First you should make sure your granite countertop is sealed. Unsealed granite countertops will soak up anything that is spilled on the surface. Put a few drops of water on the granite, leave it on the countertop for a few minutes. If you come back and see that the water is gone and soaked into the granite it is time for the stone to be resealed. If you have questions on how to seal your granite countertops, just contact our team at Mega Granite.
Do’s for cleaning granite countertops:
Wipe up spills as soon as you notice them.
Use warm water or gentle dish soap to clean granite.
Use a washcloth or microfiber cloth for daily cleaning of the countertop.
You may not think dish soap and hot water are enough to thoroughly clean your granite countertop but they are actually completely fine for sanitizing. If you still aren’t convinced a 50:50 solution of water and isopropyl alcohol is a stronger solution suitable to be sprayed on granite. Allow it to sit for 5 minutes, then rinse the granite with water, and dry.

Don’ts for cleaning granite countertops:
Don’t use abrasive sponges on the granite.
Don’t use Windex on granite.
Don’t use Vinegar on granite.
Don’t use lemon or lime on granite.
Don’t use anything with ammonia or bleach on granite.
Using the materials above frequently will actually cause the sealant on your granite countertops to weaken over time.
These are just a few tips that you can implement into your routine that will ensure your granite countertops stay in tip-top shape. For additional care and maintenance tips contact our knowledgeable team at Mega!
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